• Saturday 27th July, 2024
Revenue Items & Codes

Board of Internal Revenue   
Pay As You Earn  12010005
Direct Assessment  12010002
Entertainment  12010119
Development Levy 12010118
Tax on Dividend  12010011
Refund of Compensation  12021007
Motor Vehicle Registration  12020642
Certificate of Roadworthiness  12020643
Misc. Traffic Regulations   12020644
Stamp Duty  12020645
Hackney Carriage  12020646
Motor Vehicle Licence  12020132
Driving Licence & L/Permit  12020133
Sales of NDL Forms  12020720
Sales of Vehicle Reg. Book  12020687
Miscellaneous  12010120
Tax Audit Recovery  12010115
Court Fees (High Court) 12020455
Court Fines (High Court) 12020502
Probate Fees 12020436
Court Fees M/Court  12020457
Court Fines M/Court 12020501
Court Fees Area Court  12020458
Court Fines Area Court  12020503
Upper Sharia Court Fees  
Upper Sharia Court Fines  
Upper Sharia Court Divorce  
Court Fines Mobile Court 12020504
Court Fines Rent Tribunal  12020503
Appeal Fees High Court  12020460
Appeal Fines Sharia Court  12020401
Affidavit & Declaration High Court 12020640
Affidavit & Declaration Sharia Court 12020641
Issued Cert. of Divorce sharia court 12020418
Issued of Cert. of Divorce H/C 12020422
Next of Kin  
Notice of Appeal 12020401
Marriage Certificate  
Right of Occupancy   
Ministry of Agriculture   
Produce Sales Tax 12020722
Training Institution Fees  
Tractor Hiring Services  12020722
Inspection and Grading Fees 12020450
Contr. Of cotton market reimbursement 12020301
Irrigation Fees  12020652
Produce Buyers License  12020122
Hide and Skin Buyers   
Fishing License   
Sales of Fertilizer  12020683
Sales of Tractor to Local Govt. 12020678
Water Pump Recovery (KARDA) 12020684
Farmers Credit Sch. T/Loan Recovery  12021010
Work Bulls recovery   
Reimbursement from Sales of Grains  12021305
Land lease  12020809
Contract Processing  12020427
Ministry of Works   
Speed Boat Transport Fees  & Canoe  12020474
Fire Prevention Fees 12020428
Con. Registration  12020475
Contract processing  12020476
Contr. Agreement. 12020660
Driving School 12020142
Hire of Government Vehicles  12020713
Ministry of Health   
Inoculation Fees 12020136
Boarding Fees Sch. Of Nur./HealthTech  12020724
Chemical Lab Analysis Fees 12020441
Registration of Private Clinics 12020475
contract Reg 12020475
Contract Processing  12020424
Medicine License  12020140
Supply of T. Material  12020724
Registration of Phamacies 12020724
Ministry of Finance   
Board of Directors Fees  
Interest on Deposits   12021210
Repayment of Bicycle Loan   
Repayment of Motorcycle Loan  12021010
Repayment of Housing Loan  12021005
Refund of Over Payment  12021008
Repayment of Furniture Loan 12021009
Repayment of Loan & Advance   
Reimbursement in Respect of Pension   
Repayment of Car Republishing  12021004
Repayment of Car loan  12021014
Rec. of House Rent Pub. Off Holder 12020806
Ministry of Justice   
Sales of Contract Agreement  12020421
Ministry of Education   
Contract Processing Fees  12020476
Reg. and Renewal of Contract  12020638
Primary/Sec. Sch. Reg. Fees 12020475
Ministry of Lands and Housing   
Document Reg. Fees  12020466
Consent Fees 12020647
Land Application Fees 12020447
Dev. Charges of Approved Plans  12020716
Sales of Houses (State Wide) 12020681
Ground Rent 12020912
Plan Permission   12020462
Ministry of Information   
Sales of Application Designs   
Ministry of Youth & Sport    
Rent on Chairs   
Reg. & Renewal of Youth Clubs  12020638
Ministry of Environment   
Solid mineral exploration tax 12010122
Solid mineral buying & selling center  12010121
Haulage Tax  12010117
Compensation on tress & Eco. Tress  12021012
Compensation on Env. Sanitation  12021013
Mining quarrying/borrowing permit   12020137
Sales of fruit & vegetables  12020666
Sales of seeds from Nursing  12020664
Sales of forestry products  12020689
Tueguya farming  12020673
Royalties (Env.)  
Offences (Env.) 12020468
Ministry of Commerce   
Trade Fair Gate Fees 12020694
Reg. of Business Premises  12020110
Reg. of Cooperative Society  12020658
Reg. of Trade Fair Material  12020143
Golongo Query Codus    
Rent on Government Properties  12020801
Cabinet Office   
People Empowerment Programm  
Water Board   
Water Rate 12020656
KASCOM 12020708
Kebbi Radio   
Radio Advertisement 12020628
Kebbi Television  12020629
TV Consultant  12020629
Commercial Advertisement   
Housing Corporation   
Sales of Houses (GRA) Owners Occp. 12020680
Rent on Govt. Staff Quarters  12020801
Rent Office & Govt. Quarters owner Occp 12020471
Birnin Kebbi Central Market   
Gates Fees 12020655
Rent on Market Shops  12020907
State University Aliero  
Sales of Forms 12020625
Registration Fees 12020636
Cont. Reg. & renewal Processing  12020417
Post Graduate Fee  
Civil Service Commission   
Sales of Application Forms 12020610
School of Health Tech. Jega  
Student  Reg. Fees  12020631
Sales of Admission Forms  12020623
College of Education Argungu  
Student of Reg. Fees  12020633
Sales of Admission Forms  12020619
Exam Card C .O .E Arg  
Awaiting Result  
School of Basic Studies Yauri  
Student Reg. Fees  12020634
Sales of Admission Forms  12020620
College of Agric Zuru  
Student of Reg. Fees  12020630
Sales of Admission Forms  12020621
Forestry II Project  12020469
Control Post Consultants   
Board of Survey   
Auctioneer Licence  12020138
Sales of Condem Equepts/Materials  12020662
Hotels and Tourism Board   
Catering Rest House  12020710
Argungu Fishing Festival   
Gate Fees 12020710
Kebbi Hotel Abuja 12020807
Office of the Auditor General   
Audit Supervision Fees (Returned) 12021302
Sal. & Allowances   
School of Nursing & Midwifery   
Sales of Forms  12020624
Registration Fees 12020635
Scholarship Board   
Sales of Application Forms 12020616
Government Printing Press  
Printing  12020637
Abdullahi Fodio Center   
Registration Fees 12020637
Sales of Forms   
Building Permit  12020464
Rent on KUDA Shop  12020908
Sign Board (Bill Board) 12020436
Ground Rent (KUDA) 12020911
Sewage Evacuation Service  12020661
Sanitation Fees 12020423
Tenders Board   
Contract Processing  12020427
Reg. and Renewal of Contract  12020475
Sir Yahaya Memorial Hospital  12020707
State Polytechnic Dakingari  
Reg. Fees (Student Reg.)  12020632
Sales of Forms (PolyGari) 12020622
General Hospital Suru 12020725
Rural Electricity Board   
Sales of Condom Store  12020662
Sir Ahmadu Bello Int. Airport   
Landing Fees 12020716
Passenger Service Charge  12020470
Gate Fees  12020694
Argungu General Hospital  12020725
Yauri General Hospital 12020725
Kamba General Hospital 12020725
Wara General Hospital 12020725
Kangiwa General Hospital 12020725
Bunza General Hospital 12020725
Augie General Hospital 12020725
Mahuta General Hospital  12020725
KESEPA 12020727
Min. of Water Resources   
EIA/Tree Fees 12020726
Contract Agreament 12020660
Contract Processing  12020476
Min. of Animal H. &Husbandry    
Trade cattle fees  
Poultry vacline fees   
Hide & Skin buyers license   
Fishery license    
Sales of livestock from ranches  12020670
Sales of supplementary feeds 12020670
Sales of milk   
Sales of Animal fees  12020676
Kebbi State Investment Company   
Board of Directors Fees   
Interest on investment  12020211
Sales of shares  12020211
Min. of High Education   
Contract Registration  12020476
Contract processing  12020475
Kebbi Medical Centre Kalgo 12020725
Sanchi General Hospital 12020725
Bagudo General Hospital 12020725
Gwandu General Hospital 12020725
Illo General Hospital 12020725
Jega General Hospital 12020725
Kaoje General Hospital 12020725
Maiyama General Hospital 12020725
Ribah General Hospital 12020725
Shanga General Hospital 12020725
Bena General Hospital 12020725
Wasagu General Hospital 12020725
Zauro  General Hospital 12020725
Kambaza General Hospital 12020725
Zuru General Hospital 12020725
Hafsat Eye Clinic  12020725
Aleiru General Hospital 12020725
Koko Gen Hospital 12020725
Darin Dali 12020725
Dakingari 12020725



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